A Token Update

It’s been a while…

July 8, 2017


It’s been a little while since you’ve heard from me… well, actually, approaching six months since I last posted, and over four months since this website had any sort of update. Life’s been busy lately, what with maths and revision and maths and exams and maths and such.

Anyway, I have some exciting news! A couple of weeks ago, I started a work placement at Mango Solutions, a data science consultancy based in Chippenham (some of you might know of the EARL conferences which they organise every year). It’s a great place and a great bunch of people, and I am very excited to be joining them for the next twelve months!

An added bonus of being out on placement for the year is that I will have a slightly more regular structure to my weeks - no maths problem sheets to be wrestling with all weekend! - so I’ll have more time to do fun data-ML-coding-type stuff. There’s plenty in the pipeline: stay tuned!

Finally, it was just over a year ago that I was chatting to a friend about “data science” and “machine learning”, and thinking “that sounds cool but I literally have no idea what that means”. Now it’s my job. This year has been amazing, and I want to say thank you to everyone who’s ever come across this website, or liked a tweet, or written a post/given a talk that’s inspired me, or who I’ve met at BMLM, or who I’ve bored half to death talking about neural networks. Thank YOU, dear reader. Hasta pronto.